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From a baby that was born in a manger, to a man that died on the cross, Jesus Christ   is the most famous man in the entire ancient world because he was taught to be  the son of  the hebrew god  who had died on the cross for  humanity’s sins.  Jesus’s life and teachings  formed the basis  for Christianity, a major world religion. Christianity is one of the most popular religions of the modern western world. Because it is so important , Christians views need to be understood by followers  of Christianity, in the context of the societies in which they came from.  Understanding the context of Christianity could possibly allow for better adaptation  of the ancient manuscript to lives in the 21st century. An example of this - and the topic of this essay is women in  early christianity. People today  may be surprised that women  were activity involved in first century of Christianity. This is important because the world of Jesus and his early disciples  is very different from the world we live in today.  Another way that society has changed is in the way it treats women.  While women are still not always treated as fairly as men , things have certainly have changed in the Western world  in regards to women’s rights.  For example , in America  women can vote and have successful careers outside the home and in some nations  women have became  leaders in the government . Despite all of this progress,  some people, including women, hold a  firm beliefs that women  should not be given the same rights and responsibilities that men have  in religious leadership. A prime example of this is in Catholicism. In this religion, women are not able to become leaders in the church.  This has happened despite the head  of the Catholic church being in Italy., a fairly progressive state in terms of women’s rights. Looking at the society in the first few centuries of Christianity will show  followers that in the beginning of the religion, women did have some power in the church; therefore, the  belief that women  are incapable of holding high positions in the church in modern times is inaccurate and there should be a consideration for  women to hold more power today. 


Even though his life started a new religion, Jesus considered himself Jewish. Judaism has been around for a long time and with this ancient  religion came  narrow-minded views on women.  In the books that were to become the old testament for Christians, the torah for the Jews , there are many    views of women that are demeaning to them.  In the beginning of the first book, Genesis, women are right away said to be subservient to men. The story goes that when the first man named Adam was lonely, God  made women to keep him company. This means that Adam,  was created first by God ; people took this to mean that men were more like God than woman are.  Another way that women were  reduced was through the  forbidden fruit. The story goes that because Eve ate the fruit first ,  the punishment included bad childbirth and that her husband “will rule over her.” Later when God asks for a tally from Moses he only cares about the Men  in the group,  not the women.

Although one might come to the conclusion that all women  had not status or standing in first century Jewish society, some women were able to have higher status .   During this time women’s lives  depended on their status. There were different status of women and some were slaves. For women who lived in households with lots of means, monetary, they were expected to stay inside.   Like many of the men that lived during that time,  the majority of women were illiterate.  Some times educated people had to assist the non educated in getting documents signed .


Women in Roman society had come a long way considering  ancient customs . In ancient  times,  males had all power in relationships .  Men could kill their babies  and  this was not looked down upon especially if it was a baby girl.   This shows how women were seen in ancient times; they were not seen as being worthy of life.   By 300 BC , women had gained some freedom in marriage, but were not completely free - they had a guardian watch out for a their welfare. A big gain was that women could now get out of marriage without to much trouble. Anther great improvement for women during this time was the opportunity for education.  Despite social class  Roman girls  had more opportunities for a meaningful education. Although not as long as their brother’s education, roman girls were able to become educated citizens. The reason behind all of this education was for the women to grow as apposed to a way to pass down knowledge to her sons.   

Sometimes there are leaders that try to reverse progress of a nation for their own political views.  Some men might have felt that women’s power was treat  to their masculinity , so people activity sought to  limit women’s power. This was the case with the Roman emperor Augustus.  Augustus tried to bring back the male domaine that was  so common in the ancient time, and this proved to be very successful.  He taxed  people of a certain age that were single.  He made parties of the  Roman  gods, which had previously  been celebrations  for both genders, only male parties. This was the  scene  that Christianity emerged in.


Now that background knowledge on early christianity is complete it is now time to look  at the main focus of this essay,  early christianity.  Something that should be stated is that  people in power tend to put  their own spin to  a story. Similar to when two people get in a fight one both will  have a story to tell  and more than likely the stories of what happened will be completely different .  With this is mind, it is critical to note that for most of modern history, males have been control of the church and history;therefore some people will see women’s roles in this religion very different.  Another thing is that in terms of leadership in the church male leadership within the church was the norm.   Because of this , some male leaders in the church will try to deny  any participation  and contributions  made by women.

In most religions at this time it is important to note that  Judaism , and therefore Christianly and  later  Islam, do not have a female god. This is in stark contrast to Greek mythologies  with  female Goddess like Hera and  Aphrodite.  In christians there is God his son and the holy sprit.  While some may argue that God is neither male nor female. The relation to  God in both the  gospels are always use  male pronouns. This means that God  and his son are male.   This would have been accepted at this time because it was a male dominated society and people would be less likely to acknowledge that God would send his daughter to save all humanity.  Some people have pointed to  Jesus’s mother  as another Eve.  Eve and Mary have been compared  because they are both virgins. While Eve disobeyed God and was blamed for sin, Mary is seen as a savor because she carrie birthed and raised the son of God.


 Paul was an important apostle because he helped  the teaching of Jesus—which would latter becomes  a separate religion,Christianity—  grow.  He was actually  a jewish man who was  hurting  christians but got a conversion experience.  The work after his conversion lead him to due a lot of work  that laid  down the foundation for early Christianity. 

Paul names certain women in his letters —that would latter make their way into  the bible  ,  that  appear to have played a big role in early Christianity. One such person is Phoebe,  Phoebe was a women who lived in Rome who Paul cared deeply about.  He asked the people of rome to include her in the religious family.    Paul  and Phoebe  had a  relationship in which they helped each other  accomplish their goals in spreading the Christen faith.   The ability to help each other  instead of  Paul dominating the relationship would have been rare to see in  those days.   Phoebe was not the only one who was  mentioned by name in the Bible there are other women in Paul’s writing.   These women helped Paul  out a great deal.

Paul also had views on marriage that had major implications for  his followers men and women alike.  A big problem for  early christens was interfaith marriages. Some  women who were Christians   and were married to a non believer  practiced  abstinence with their husbands to pressure them to convert. Paul advocated against this practice  encouraging them to simply educate the men. Paul says that if women and men were in a  interfaith marriage they had permission to leave that relationships.   He basically  has the same rules for men and women. This   again is not surprising considering the time in which he was living and spreading his message too.    Later  the Shepherd of Hermas , who had visions from god the most famous one was to practice abstinence, said similar things about both sexes having the ability to leave their lover due a faith  difference. This was important because it gave women the same right to  leaving marriage as men.  This was probably done to help spread the religion.    This spreading of the religion  might have been more of a pressing need then  women’s rights;however, it still gave women equal rights as men. This was a huge step in the right direction. Unfortunately the trend toward equality would not last.


  Women had power that men had in the early stages of Christianity; however, this glimmer of equality did not last .  This did not last  because in order for Christianity to spread and be accepted in  male dominated cities , women would have to take a back seat. This means that all the progress  that this religion was trying to be had to  be dismantled for it to be accepted by men. The Gnostics, christians that were  trained in  ancient philosophy , held  similar views when they  claim that Jesus has to change Mary’s sex so she can be included into the group.

One way to take away power from women is to restrict their education. This was done  by early christians  to make  women easier to force into submission. One way this was done was  a proclamation that women should   be silent in church. This was done because  women  were seen as  dangerous to people in power.  Men felt that  women should not lead; therefore silencing  their voices was a way to take away some of that power.e

Tertullian was a man who advocated for the removal of women from the church. He said that women were not the same as men.  He said that women were bad because of what Eve had done. Tertullian was appalled that women were  priests and  did everything in his power to destroy  their power in the church.  This was different then Paul who had been  inclusive of  women those days were long gone.  Turtullian was not the first man who hated women  and tried to silence their work in the Church.  Other people,Jerome , Clement of Alexandria,  and Augustine  discredited women’s role.


The start of Christianity is important for all followers of Christianity to know. People should be able to know that those first christians  teachers were women. This is important because it may provide a reason for women to gain leadership roles  within the church. It matters  because a God that is  said to create everything  had to care about women. It matters because women are people to with the potential to be influential leaders.  It also matters because a religion that was started  2000  years ago has to be able to adjust and adapt to the times.  For people in the west  this means examine the role of women, and other minority groups.  Being inclusive always pays off in the end. It always is the best way for people to learn how to interact with each other. It also adds a new perspective.   It is not just something for little kids to sing about  in church or Sunday  school it should be lived  all the time.                          




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Kraemer, Ross Shepard, and Mary Rose. D'Angelo. Women & Christian Origins. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.


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